Digital Bolt

Let's build something great together

You’re running a successful business, and you have great ideas. It’s time for your website to reflect that. That’s where we can help with our WordPress expertise. 


Choose WordPress?

We provide comprehensive WordPress services to help you create the perfect website for your business. Our team of can help you design, develop, and maintain your website with the following services.

  • Custom WordPress Development
  • Design and Front-end (themes)
  • WordPress Security
  • Plugin customization
  • Ecommerce
  • Business websites

Custom WordPress Development

Unlock the full potential of WordPress by developing custom plug-ins and API integrations. Our expert developers can help build from ideation, or integrate into existing teams to create world-class sites.

Design and Front-end (Themes)

Having great design is a necessity in the competition for online users and customers. Designers optimize UI and UX while integrating your company’s brand and vision into the website.

WordPress Security

Ensuring the safety and security of your website should always be a top priority. Security consultants can conduct code audits and scan vulnerabilities, working with your team at any stage in the development process.

Plugin Customization

Our Plugin Installation and Customization service handles the seamless integration and tailored adaptation of plugins to enhance your website’s functionality. We expertly install and customize plugins to meet your specific needs.


Our WordPress E-commerce Services focus on leveraging the power of WordPress to create scalable online stores. From setting up and customizing your WooCommerce platform to integrating payment gateways and optimizing for search engines.

Business websites

Our Business Website services cater to both profit and non-profit organizations, including NGOs and non-NGOs, providing tailored solutions to establish a strong online presence. We design and develop websites that reflect your organization’s mission.

Sell using wordpress- add WooCommerce

WooCommerce plugin sells almost anything. We offer tons of extensions and payment gateway options for your WordPress website and help you sell products with our WooCommerce services. We empower your WordPress site into an earning eCommerce store with its reliable and salient features.


Relax because we always will be here for you.

FAQ digital bolt

What is WordPress?

We offer a range of WordPress services, including website design, development, customization, plugin installation, optimization, and maintenance and more.

How long does it take to build a WordPress website?

The timeline for building a WordPress website depends on various factors,We work closely with our clients to establish realistic timelines and ensure timely delivery of projects, typically ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

Do you provide training on how to use WordPress?

Yes, we offer training sessions to help you get familiar with WordPress and its features. Whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your skills, our training sessions are perfect for you.